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sugargremlin you said ‘I score on the border of every ADHD test I take. ‘
I do, too – on the TOP border. If there are 80 points possible, I typically get 78-80. If it’s a 1 means not, 6 means possible, 10 means you need help fast, I score a 11 out of 10.
I’ve never “failed” or come close to failing an “indicator test”.
No shock since my youngest is ADHD in the extreme and must take meds, and my mother we just realized is the same way.
Tip – if you have not already, watch the video Rick and Patrick were in. Plain talk, no hype, no scare factor – just facts – from folks who truly know.
I finally after MONTHS went through the agency where I work and asked the director if he knew of a counselor that might know a bit about adult ADD. He wasn’t sure but pointed out a couple of names. I contacted one – and lo and behold, he is ADD himself and oh, yeah, knows a lot about it. He gave me some names and numbers of local doctors. He handles his with no meds, but isn’t against meds, just that in his life, he seems to have used other means for his own brand of ADD.