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Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?

Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?2011-06-14T07:57:24+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with? Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?


Post count: 14413

quizzical. i’m so glad you relate. I feel kind of crappy talking about ADHD when i have managed a really solid education. Job stuff has always been a bit more sketchy. I don’t think I would have accomplished more at this point if I had been treated. I will push myself to the point of collapse to achieve! but perhaps it would have been nicer to not have had to push that hard??? I also have some other usually more serious problems like bipolar disorder and anxiety stuff. My mood is completely stable right now and I am connecting the dots that this disorganization and time management struggle is consistent no matter what the mood and has been over my lifetime. I just had to deal with the more pressing problems first. Also the disorganization increases my anxiety. What a neurochemical mess! and you are right that there is definitely a problem. Other people in my position and even with my level of (lack of) experience are able to do my job when i cannot. I am being told that I am very intelligent and I have received a lot of praise..but.. i just cannot do it in a timely organized manner..so extremely frustrating.

I’m not depressed (which you are right that it can kill concentration and motivation). Nor am I hypomanic (true mania is very rare for me). I am a very anxious person, but my time management actually gets worse when I am more relaxed.. because I just space out and disengage without pressure.

so far, the meds have been helpful and have not sped me up in any way. except when I added to coffee and sleep deprivation..never again!!!!!!!

thank you so much for the encouragement. It is possible that this is not my answer and it is some bipolar thing (although I feel like I ruled everything out). but the problem is not my imagination.


I have been enjoying our interactions on this site =). I was one of those kids with a very stable predictable home. My parents devoted their schedules to me. I devoted most of my time to school. I have only had sporadic jobs while going to college. I haven’t really have much responsibility besides school. However, this could have been an entirely different story if I had had to work and go to school or had family drama. My time management is so crappy that I am limited. If I had chosen a less intense career path, I could totally live life without treating this. But well, the career chose me!

>_<driving. I have totalled two cars and now have a large titanium rod in my hip from running a red due to daydreaming =(.

memzak. thanks for validating my ridiculous 6 hour day >_<.there is something wrong here.

Steffie, yes very well stated. This problem was never really addressed I think because of all my mood and anxiety problems. At this point, I have found that these symptoms are always present no matter how much anxiety or the mood. I actually focus less under less anxiety. I actually did convince a PCP to give me meds. cheers for some trained medical babble! I was terrified that i was going to have a million anxiety attacks and go manic, but I was so desperate (drowning as you say). I think he was suspicious I was an addict =(. However, rather than anxiety attacks and mania, I immediately accomplished 7 hours of work in 11 and hope to develop better habits to make my way to 8. It now feels achievable.. within my grasp. all done with decreased anxiety.

billd- what is your opinion on medicating a person such as myself? perhaps though, this society just really weeds out those with ADHD or those who are borderline with this ADD culture and throws them into the current. Other people are distracted and impaired, but they can compensate. a lot of interesting questions really. I am choosing medication because I’m going to lose my job and face problems in my chosen career in which I have toiled much of my life to obtain. I am hoping to use the meds to springboard and practice better habits. Maybe one day I will not need them. You are right that something in society will give.