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Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?

Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?2011-06-14T16:37:46+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with? Re: Is modern life and work just too complex to keep up with?


Post count: 913

My comment/opinion on medication:

Leave that to the educated professionals who have experience dealing with different levels,types, whatever, of ADD/ADHD.

My youngest son took meds and was pretty well where he needed to be most of his teens as long as he took them. It’s a sore subject for him, he went off and his life was ruined. I hear now that he sounds like he’s got his head on straight, can concentrate and is working. That’s probably the most I’ll ever know about him. Myself – I believe I need something in my case. I’m pretty extreme, and knowing my youngest son, and my mother – I’m going to contact a professional to see if they agree with my “self-diagnosis”.

As far as anyone outside of myself or my youngest son and meds – I’m not about to say you, they, she, whoever, “needs” medication. I won’t even say “see a doctor and get some drugs”. I will say only “see a doctor” and if they aren’t experienced or you feel no progress after time, get another opinion.

This is one case I know where to draw the line………. I tend to avoid drugs in general, however, I know drugs have saved my butt in certain areas, so know they can do good. I have meds for meniere’s, raynaud’s, and a couple items that medical experts never could figure out or give a name to, so I carry drugs to counteract the effects no one can diagnose. For the meniere’s, I also went through some specialized therapy that taught me and my body how to cope – in an effort to avoid surgery and more drugs.

do YOU need drugs? I’ve never met you and only know your posts here, you might simply need some friends!

As far as the original question, YES, modern life is too complex and fast-paced for people to keep up with, ADD or not.