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Re: Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication?

Re: Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication?2012-02-25T21:10:46+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication? Re: Is the effect of caffeine similar to a stimulant medication?


Post count: 14413

Tiddler, how old is your son now? And where did you go for a good evaluation?

The Weschler was attempted on my son last fall, but he would not cooperate enough to get a full scale IQ. In fact, he acted out severely when he felt frustrated (throwing markers, crawling under the table). Each subtest started easy, then progressed until the child could not do the task. His frustration tolerance is so low he did not want any more of that stuff. Still, the subtests that were given showed the kind of range your son did.