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Re: is there a link between ADD and stuttering ?

Re: is there a link between ADD and stuttering ?2012-05-09T05:33:34+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Co-morbidities/Secondary Disorders is there a link between ADD and stuttering ? Re: is there a link between ADD and stuttering ?


Post count: 845

I don’t recall ever reading or hearing about a link between ADHD and stuttering. I doubt that there is a direct connection. From my understanding, the areas of the brain affected by ADHD are located differently from that of speech and hearing.

I believe that stressful situations in which people with ADHD often find themselves could aggrevate stuttering during those times of stress, but that isn’t a direct connection. If there were a link, you would expect that there would be a relatively higher number (5% for example) of stutterers among the ADHD population and vice versa. However, there are so many undiagnosed with ADHD that correlation of ADHD with just about anything occurring in small percentages in the general population would be suspect.