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Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers

Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers2012-05-11T18:31:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers


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I’ve recently been told in a formal job assessment that it is astounding how I can listen to another person so intently to the point with one person, that I am the only one besides her spouse, that can understand her. This served me well when I worked with developmentally handicapped folks too. Is that a “superpower”? If it is, it has it’s shadow side.

On the same assessment, people report that they were ignored if I was already engaged in conversation with someone else. I may have had a sense in a crowded room that someone else was close by, but certainly not that someone was wanting my attention. I am told this appeared rude, although it was acknowledged by my supervisor that they were aware that I was not trying to be rude.