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Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers

Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers2012-05-11T18:41:44+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers


Post count: 1096

It strikes me that the issue here is one of perspective and how the original question was posed by FB.

FB asked if any of us have ADHD superpowers. FB’s aim was to have a happy theme where we could all celebrate something good in our otherwise fractured lives. I applaud FB’s desire to see positives. There are enouigh negatives around.

However, yes there is a however…. In my opinion, the problem is how do we separate the positives from our ADHD and from our ‘natural’ selves?

Yes we should all celebrate our good points – so let’s do that and be glad.

But linking those good points to ADHD would take some effort. So we could do it…. All we need to do is to decide what factors have influenced us and do some snazzy statistics. It’s not beyond us to do that, but enough of us would have to participate and give personal info. Easy to set up on SurveyMonkey if people were interested.

So, we’d have to take into account:

Type of ADHD and score the severity; our age; our sex; our education; our parent’s educational level; did our mother’s smoke or no etc when we were a foetus; our IQ: details of our superpowers: and on and on. Of course we’d have to get the linears to do the same survey and the stats will tell us if we are more likely to have superpowers than others.

It’s possible. Let’s do it.

The point is, yes let’s celebrate our good points but their link to ADHD is speculation. I am not saying that’s not fun, but scientifically it doesn’t stack up.