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Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers

Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers2012-05-09T12:24:52+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers Re: Is your IQ so high it can't be measured? ADHD superpowers


Post count: 169

I can’t claim to have any super powers related to ADHD unless you would consider the following gifts:

  • a very short fuse;
  • difficulty with listening to others due to impatience;
  • the inability to complete tasks;
  • providing insufficient thoroughness on tasks that have to take in myriads of variables or over a long period of time;
  • providing too much extraneous information on topics only tangentially related to the topic;
  • constant restlessness; and
  • difficulty deciding on something when multiple variables must be considered.

I could go on.

Look, I am glad that you are smart have a high IQ, but those attributes are not related to your ADHD. They are your own personal gifts.