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Re: It only took me 47 years to figure out why!

Re: It only took me 47 years to figure out why!2009-12-04T11:43:36+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? It only took me 47 years to figure out why! Re: It only took me 47 years to figure out why!


Post count: 14413

As a young kid at the elementary school I was studying 3 hours with my grand ma while my friends were playing outside

they had the same homeworks as me

But i wanted to be the best and I was distrated by every little noise around me

and was taking 10 minutes to jump back in the homeworks re reading again the same line in the text until it connet with my brain

I have always be different but hardworker and in the first of the classroom even at the university level

the diffrence is that I know exactly how to act to seems to be normal and I know my own brain mechanic

I have a good self esteem but I am very lonely

Nobody (may except you all ) may understand how much stress I carry sometimes to act perfectly in a stressful situation,

I had ulcer and even cancer I have been in wheelchair but it is still impossible for me (even with medication lately) to be simply as normal people.

I am born different and I guess I have to accept it.

I am born with an ADHD brain

I try to have some relieve for the exhausting aspects and most important I want to explore the gifts included in the package!