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Re: I've achieved great succes in my career, but have also been fired over 10 times!

Re: I've achieved great succes in my career, but have also been fired over 10 times!2011-01-02T06:03:45+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job I've achieved great succes in my career, but have also been fired over 10 times! Re: I've achieved great succes in my career, but have also been fired over 10 times!


Post count: 14413

I go through the same thing as a teacher. For years, I only did supply or substitute work since it was perfect for my situation. I was the mom of 3 kids with a husband who travelled all over the world for weeks at a time. Never home except for occasional weekends. *smoke coming out my ears*

That left me at home to hold down the fort by myself with no other family members closer than 3000 kilometers. Oh, did I mention that my son was a qualifier for SuperADHD Man?

So for me at that time, day to day supply work was great. I could work if I wanted to or choose not to if it didn’t fit in to what I had to get done that day. Even better than that, every day was different. I could be teaching Gr. 1 on one day and the next day I could be teaching French to a class of Gr. 4 students. Every day was different, lots of variety, never boring! (What kind of tricks are the kids in today’s class going to try and pull on me?? Soooo much fun just anticipating their tricks!)

When the kids were finally in school full time and the husband started working ‘at home’ (as in, not out of the country) more often, I went back to teaching full-time. Great the first year, okay the second year, mundane by the third year, and by the fourth year….. Yes, by the end of the fourth year I would ask to be assigned to a new grade of students. ADHD people like me get bored by our fourth year and need a change.

Luckily for me, I can change my job up like that to keep it fresh and interesting. I really can’t understand how there are people out there who can start a job and stay at the same one for their whole career!

I’m lucky in that I’ve found a job that is perfect for me right now. Each day is different enough to keep me focussed and there is enough change each year (oh boy, a new batch of kids every Sept) to keep me interested. Eventually, working with the same group of teachers and teaching the same curriculum does get boring. Changing grades helps keep me fresh, focussed and interested in getting up to go to work each day.

The down side? All the hours and hours of paperwork that goes on for record-keeping/reporting. If I could just get my own personal secretary life would be perfect.