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Re: Just Started Adderall IR (generic). Got questions… cant find straight answers

Re: Just Started Adderall IR (generic). Got questions… cant find straight answers2012-09-25T22:22:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR Just Started Adderall IR (generic). Got questions… cant find straight answers Re: Just Started Adderall IR (generic). Got questions… cant find straight answers


Post count: 430

It probably did. I was at a ball game, when the King Dome was still around, and I parked my car, wrote down where I parked it on the back of my hand. I was ADD back then, but undiagnosed. I still knew some of my limitations, just not the cause of them. Anyway that night, Mariners used the opposing team for batting practice and after the 8th inning, racked up over 15 runs. My wife and I left early and I went right to the… strangers car parked in my spot. My wife and I looked everywhere and finally we called the police to report our car stolen. We were questioned by the police for over an hour.

It has been almost 15 years and not so much as a hubcap has been found. No 88 MPH, no flux-capacitor, no Delorean, just gone. I will bet Art Bell couldn’t explain that one.