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Re: Keeping a journal

Re: Keeping a journal2010-02-26T17:13:40+00:00

Post count: 14413

When a friend of mine was getting married she got a couple of Wedding Planners and she gave me one which I converted into a ‘Life Planner’ and it was the best thing that every happened to me. I’ve since set up a binder full of envelopes, and sections where I can keep paperwork, a calendar where I can keep track of appointments and other things that I have scheduled. The envelopes are the best thing for me, I punched holes in them so they are stuck inside the binder and I’ve labeled them and whenever I get paper work that needs to be filed, reciepts that need to be kept, etc I just stick them inside these envelopes until I get time to deal with them later.

I’ve broken up all the activities in my life into ones that are Annual, Monthly, Weekly and Daily. I then have put them into their proper scheduling areas and then made up a daily activity list & weekly one which I stuck to the side of my fridge. I’ve scheduled in time to sit down and do my paperwork, which means organizing my ‘Live Planner’. So far it works.

I have a daughter with ADD & an LD and I have a son who has Cerebral Palsy, so paperwork, scheduling appointments are a large part of my life and won’t go away just because I have ADD and can’t handle the organization of paperwork.