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Re: Learning to feel time

Re: Learning to feel time2011-07-29T18:32:37+00:00

Post count: 14413

@ShaneG you’re not alone there. I get the same thing. Some days, I look up from what I’m doing and think “it must be like 2:00,” and it’s not even 10:30. Other days, I think “that didn’t take long, time for lunch.” It’s 3:00 and the cafeteria is closed. ><

Einstein (also ADD) said: when you talk to a pretty girl, an hour seems like a minute. When you put your hand on a hot stove, a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity.

Maybe we’re all just moving so fast, time slows down around us. Or, if you’re like me, your BMI creates a relativistic effect on space-time. That, or it’s the dopamine thing again.

PS, I love the avatar Shane!