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Re: Learning to feel time

Re: Learning to feel time2011-07-29T22:48:15+00:00

Post count: 596

Shane the psychologist who did my ADD diagnosis had this exercise a few times where she would get me to guess when 10 minutes had gone by since, as Pete already said, ADD and time issues are pretty common. Maybe you can try this with a family member or friend. I also bought a digital watch with a chronograph, timer, alarm etc. I use it to time random things. Since I’m impatient and even put off going to the gas station because I think it takes to long, I timed how long it takes to get gas a few times. Surprisingly I think it was under 3 minutes and I thought it would be at least ten! Now I know if I’m in a rush it’s not going to take all that long and I can quench my impatience! Actually I find it’s quite fun to time things and I’m getting better at estimating how long things take.