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Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site

Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site2011-07-02T13:47:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments What Worked For Me… Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site Re: Lifestyle changes I have made inspired by this site


Post count: 14413

Some good ideas there, sugar-gremlin. I laughed when you said “I have been toying with the idea of paying someone else to clean this because it is just ridiculous at this point” since I said that to my ADD husband a week ago.

We also have dust bunnies, clutter on the floor (and every other surface, can’t sit in chairs because of piles of paper), and yesterday we caught two nasty bugs, one was a cricket and the other a long-winged crawling insect thing – I think it’s because I have been moving my business out (lots of corrugated cartons) and disturbed their hiding places.

He says we won’t start cleaning until I’m fully moved out (for my business) so we can use the empty space for sorting. That makes sense. But I insisted last week that we clean the bathroom and kitchen floors thoroughly, and did the bathtub, sink & toilet too. Since we use those two rooms a lot, it really helped with my mental mood. So you might try just tackling one simple thing like that and see how it makes you feel to have it done. Those jobs don’t take long.

Once I set a timer for 15 minutes and we both attacked a room, one was dusting and the other decluttering. It didn’t clean up the whole room but it did make a small dent (which got cluttered again later). But the point is to spend 15 minutes doing it and nothing else, that’s manageable if you use a timer (set the stove timer). And try not to READ anything, just clean or move things to where they belong.

I also find it helps to treat myself when I accomplish something.