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Re: Long term side effects for older adults on stimulants…

Re: Long term side effects for older adults on stimulants…2010-12-08T13:32:53+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Long term side effects for older adults on stimulants… Re: Long term side effects for older adults on stimulants…


Post count: 546

I don’t know mutch ,but these drugs have been around for years. the only thing that has changed is the was they are released. having said that i think that if it makes life better and you can be in control of your life you still have a better life now. you really don’t now what the future will bring so if it helps,enjoy your life. these meds have been around for a very long time,so the next time you go to refill your meds ask some people there and i am sure someone will beable to give you the info you need to put your mind to rest. ps iam 47 and i would not want to give up my 108mg of concerta.