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Re: Looking for advice about a toxic future Father-in-Law

Re: Looking for advice about a toxic future Father-in-Law2010-10-01T22:03:12+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Other Looking for advice about a toxic future Father-in-Law Re: Looking for advice about a toxic future Father-in-Law


Post count: 14413

Your fiancé is in an abusive relationship with is father. Unfortunately, he needs to realise this and cut ties.

My parents weren’t as bad, but I was also constantly being called on the state of my room, the fact that I “never” practiced my music, that I’d let my third language go, that I was lazy, etc etc etc.

I put my foot down about them having to accept my own fiancé after I moved out, and they haven’t spoken to me since. Your fiancé may have to do something similar, and cut the old man out of his life.

Have you thought about suggesting counselling to your fiancé? This has clearly had a huge impact on him, and seeing a professional about how it has affected him may be of some benefit.