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Re: Maybe you'll think I'm nuts but…

Re: Maybe you'll think I'm nuts but…2010-08-14T02:08:04+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Maybe you'll think I'm nuts but… Re: Maybe you'll think I'm nuts but…


Post count: 14413

You’re not crazy…::::slowly backing away:::::

One thing you DEFINITELY want to do with your current approach is to be honest – COMPLETELY HONEST – with yourself as to the hour-by-hour results you’re getting…are you REALLY being more productive taking this route, and getting done what you want to get done?

What about how you’re FEELING – is it getting better, staying the same, or getting worse?

Is there a dependency risk? Check yourself carefully until you’ve got the back-up you need.

Track it. If it’s not working, you gotta make a different move.

If it’s working, then you gotta make sure you do it BY THE BOOK as best you can muster until you’ve got the resources to help you in the way you require.

T. Lavon Lawrence