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Re: Meditation and ADD

Re: Meditation and ADD2011-11-25T15:47:39+00:00

Post count: 14413

I can’t meditate like regular people – I’m too impatient. However, since I’ve discovered the link between emotions and thinking (you can’t think when your emotions are in control) and my emotions (when not regulated by medication) generally have two settings (off and full blast) I discovered a compromise. I try to imagine myself as a “Vulcan” from the “Star Trek” TV series and concentrate on bringing my emotions under control so that my “logical” self has control.

I simply close my eyes and relax, willing the emotions to fade. It’s not perfect, (sometimes things get so intense that I can’t even remember to try and relax) but it does seem to work for me. Maybe some of you can gain something from it too.