The Forums › Forums › What is it? › Do I Have it? › Mild ADD? Or Midlife Crisis? Wondering/Obsessing, and in Need of a Pep Talk › Re: Mild ADD? Or Midlife Crisis? Wondering/Obsessing, and in Need of a Pep Talk
Well Quizzical, as you can tell by the responses, you are most definitely not alone! I think that we all doubt what’s going on. Chalk it up to bad days, and for us ladies, the dreaded ‘hormones’. We’ve spent our entire lives trying to ‘self regulate’ because we know that whatever ‘it’ is that’s going on in our heads isn’t normal, then comes the shame, the self doubt, the spiral…STAY AWAY FROM THE SPIRAL!
I am also of the mindset that while family docs or primary care physicians are great for a sinus infection or strep throat, DO NOT go to one for diagnosis of any sort of mental illness. I’ve worked in the medical field, in the admin, capacity, for 13 years (yikes!) and I can tell you that the average doc spends 20 mins or less with their patients!! You cannot get an accurate diagnosis, or the reassurance and information that you need in 20 minutes. What you do get is a few head nods, a prescription for a med that may or may not help you and a hearty “Have a good day.”
Check with your insurance to see what kind of mental health services are covered. Talk to people. This site is a miracle, I truly believe that. Utilize the internet to see what services are offered in your area and remember there is NOTHING WRONG with asking for help! How many of us spent years floundering because we were doubtful of the legitimacy of our problems? I alway said that I was an “A student in a C student’s body.” Now I say, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire, or at least something really hot.”
I can’t tell you how many people I’ve had walk through the doors at my doc’s office with LEGITIMATE MEDICAL ISSUES who talked themselves out of treatment because they are self described ‘hypochondriacs’, ‘drama queens’, ‘head cases’, etc. My doc always says “You have to give me a chance to save your life.” and I believe that for any one with any kind of issue. Even if 80% of the time, it’s ‘nothing’, that means 20% of the time, it’s SOMETHING. Go and be assessed. All that you have to lose is a copay, basically.