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Re: My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD “be popular”

Re: My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD “be popular”2010-12-02T13:49:20+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD "be popular" Re: My DD wants to help a classmate with ADHD “be popular”


Post count: 58

@lvriniel: I agree this is a great book (I posted about it a while back). Ironically, I haven’t finished it…it’s in a pile somewhere…When I talk to Sarah’s mom, I’ll be certain to recommend it. She has two other, younger kids, both of whom have LDs (I don’t know if there’s ADHD with them, too).

Where we live, the public schools are worse than bad. As a result, anybody of any means sends their kids to private schools. The schools end up being segregated by learning style/need. There’re fabulous schools for kids with dyslexia; great schools for smart “neurotypical” kids, and so on…While it’s nice that kids (with means) can attend schools which supposedly meet specific learning styles, it’s strange. I can’t help but imagine the mess when these kids graduate from these schools where they’ve only been with their “own kind” and land in the “real world” where there’re lots of different sorts of minds.