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Re: never ending Multi-careering

Re: never ending Multi-careering2010-12-09T12:34:06+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job never ending Multi-careering Re: never ending Multi-careering


Post count: 913

I’m 53, 3 careers (at least) and 10 jobs. Only “let go” from one, and they called it downsizing when they let over 70 of us go at the same time.

Wanted to be an electrician or go into electronics

ended up a mechanic because I’m a natural troubleshooter and problem solver and LOVE cars

Boss sold shop, I quit and went into……….. farming

Divorced, moved off farm, moved across state, got a job as electrician/networking

Left that job, got a job as properties and building manager, maintenance manager and communications manager (was called facilities and systems manager on my business cards)

Left that job, went into IT – network administration, computer repair, troubleshooting and antivirus/security administration

Left there, went into IT design, planning, antivirus and security administration.

Was downsized, went back into IT in a different job, as network administrator and security/antivirus administrator


want to be a mechanic again, started side buisness repairing auto electric items – alternators, etc. for classic and antique cars.