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Re: NO medication IS better

Re: NO medication IS better2011-10-13T04:14:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta NO medication IS better Re: NO medication IS better


Post count: 303

“Im 17, meaning you will probly ignore ANYTHING i say.”- Actually, I’m thinking it might be the other way around. It almost sounds like you are looking for an argument. You won’t find one here- well, maybe on this site, it is an ADHD site- but not with me.

Nobody here will get on you for not taking ADHD meds. That would just be mean thing to do. Everybody is different, and we all are just doing what we can to get by in life.

Great for you. That’s actually how I got through HS algebra class. Coca-cola and Hostess Donuts.

Other things that you don’t mention, like regular exercise (old people don’t do that so much) tend to really, really help me. In my senior year of HS, I was on the track and field (I was a thrower), and had a physically demanding job at a grocery store. That semester that I did both, I got the best grades in HS ever! I ended up with a 3.4. I gotta say maybe the exercise helped.

So yeah, I see how it works well for you.

Anyway, I’m older now, tired a lot with 3 kids, and those things just stopped working. I had a 2 cup a day habit, and couldn’t drink more because my heart would skip beats (tachycardia developed in my third pregnancy and never went away). After I’d drink the coffee, I found I was actually only focused for a small bit, and then had a huge crash. It just didn’t sustain me, and I couldn’t just drink it all day.

It sounds like stimulant meds weren’t your friend. Ritalyn wasn’t my friend, either. It just made me tired and sleepy. Really sleepy, like I was pregnant (soooo tired). I take adderall, and it’s working for now. It does the same thing as coffee, except without the crash. Basically, it removes the fog. I still have to eat right, exercise, make lists, etc. Basically, all the stuff I was doing to cope before, just taking adderall because the coffee was to “up and down” for me.

FWIW, sugar doesn’t make you hyper, that’s a myth. People don’t get hyper on sugar. People tend to get hyper because of the events around the sugar. Like cake at birthday parties. Notice how half the kids don’t eat the cake, but they are still climbing the walls. Take a look at this: <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1753-4887.1994.tb01415.x/abstract&gt;. Scroll down and read the abstract. Ask your science teacher what an abstract is, they’ll tell you, if they are worth their salt as a science teacher, anyway.

I think the deal with ADHD and sugar is that it is too quick of a release of energy, leading to a big crash, which makes us tired, irritable, and distracted. Yeah, that’s pretty much me after sugar, and it sounds like you, too. Well, probably anybody, but if you have a problem with those things in the first place, it’s not going to help any, right?

Everybody is different, so it’s just the way it is. Not all meds for any problem ever work for everyone. Even antibiotics can differ from person to person. There are non-stimulant meds that people have success with. Maybe your ADHD isn’t manifesting itself in a way that meds help. Who knows???Only you do, really, and the people who live and work with you.

Good for you for finding what works.