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Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?

Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?2011-01-10T03:56:08+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not able to make out lyrics in a song? Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?


Post count: 913

Frankly, I don’t think it’s limited to ADD. I know non-add folks who have the same problem, some of it’s the song mixing itself, and some singers just suck at “enunciating” – of course to do so takes from the song. Many artists don’t care if you get the lyrics or not, and how often have lyrics made sense in songs from when some of us grew up? Some are regional things, have meaning where they were raised, but mean little elsewhere.

Check out some of the lyrics sites and see just how wrong many of them are. I’ve seen lyrics incorrect in album liners, too.

If you ask the general population you’ll get a mix of “interpretations” from people. I used to be really into music, and be really intent on knowing the proper lyrics, etc. – and found that most people simply do not know, or they FAKE IT, pretending to know because they don’t want to appear “dumb”.

ADD may make it worse, I can’t say for sure, but I find that often I tell my friends what the lyrics are, other times, I simply GOOGLE ’em, and hope the lyrics sites are right. Usually I compare 2 or 3 different sites.

BTW – Bob L – that’s a device used by Luke Skywalker if I recall………