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Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?

Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?2011-01-11T17:57:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not able to make out lyrics in a song? Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?


Post count: 14413

I have the same problems with song lyrics this is why I prefer listening to instramental music. Does anyone else find that easier on their brain? To learn song lyrics I need to see them. I can deal with multiple conversations and generally follow along but just listening to song lyrics? 9 out 10 times I’ll ge it wrong… it’s frustrating.

Whats also embarassing is occasionally I would zone out on friends when they talk to me its like I would miss whole sentences and end up saying blankly “what?” or “huh?” the strange thing it happens to only a select few; not everyone thats what makes it extra embarassing