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Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?

Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?2011-01-06T04:06:11+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not able to make out lyrics in a song? Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?


Post count: 31

Let me ask you, when people talk rapidly to you, say… giving you spellings of their names or phone numbers, does you brain just break down and refuse to let you do anything with the information but hear it as it whizzes by? I have to take names and numbers at work, and if the customers talk to fast or faster than the brain can hear it, I don’t get any of it. Even after they repeat it, nada. Someone has to step in for me because I’m useless at that moment till normal speech timing is restored.

Also, do you get angry when more than two people talk to you at the same time? I despise talking to my in-laws who do this to me all.the.time. My husband isn’t much better talking to me as I’m trying to listen to someone say something to me on the phone. Both examples are rude, but even more frustrating than that for me.