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Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?

Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?2011-01-08T22:06:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not able to make out lyrics in a song? Re: Not able to make out lyrics in a song?


Post count: 16

I have never been able to understand song lyrics unless they are well enunciated, something very rare in the pop music world. I have accumulated the craziest lyrics to songs I have heard over the years but most songs just go by as if they were noise.

If I don’t work very hard at hearing what I am being told by a supervisor I usually miss everything after “Here’s what I want you to do.”. This isn’t good. In a crowded room like a pub or a party, I also have to expend a huge amount of energy to carry on a conversation. After a while I just go home or somewhere else. It’s just too much work.

And yes, the best place to hide something from me is to put it right in front of me.