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Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–2010-12-07T19:11:04+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well– Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–


Post count: 913

Ah, you don’t want to ride with me, especially when I am driving this thing……….


Anyone that sits at the green light for more than .01 second is too slow and needs to learn how to drive. Well, not THAT bad really – I do have some heart – maybe they weren’t paying attention?, but some believe I need to learn “patience”. LOL – if you are afraid to go, then take the bus.

I’ve toned it down a bit after I realized how expensive repairs and new cars were – and with that thing, not at all replacable, I tend to be a bit more conservative, but that horsepower is just begging to be turned loose, I’m sure of it.