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Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–

Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–2010-12-07T15:42:15+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well– Re: Not diagnosed yet but it fits so well–


Post count: 913

>>I’m 53 and haven’t been diagnosed yet. In fact I only realized this when I saw “totally add and loving it” on PBS<<

Same here – I’m 53 and saw the last 10 minutes of the show while………… channel surfing (a hobby)

I’m tired a lot – stairs wear me out, but when I get bursts – nothing stops me and I can work in my shop for hours, stopping only for necessary stops (which frustrate me as I see the call of nature as an interruption)

Meniers, Raynauds, forgetful, clumsy, mother with ADD, son with ADHD (who was better on meds, then went off meds and now neither his mother nor I know where he is)

Patrick must be my twin brother. That show was about my life. From school to current – multiple moves, 3 careers, 9 jobs, shelves of unfinished projects, stacks of papers dating to the 90’s I’ve not bothered to file or go through.

I’m not diagnosed, and know very little of the other things you deal with, but I find I wear out easily, tire easily, yet don’t sleep much either – unless I take a cat nap. If left alone I could probably sleep much of a day away.