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Re: Not sure meds are working

Re: Not sure meds are working2011-07-10T02:04:57+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Not sure meds are working Re: Not sure meds are working


Post count: 14413

Have you thought about medication for depression on top of the ADHD medication? It sounds like you may be depressed, or something else, on top of your ADHD. It also sounds like you need to change doctors!! Your current one sounds like a complete waste of time. There may be something affecting you besides your ADHD if the medications aren’t working fully. But you may also be expecting too much from the medications too. Do you have any other treatment, to help get your life in better order? There are many things that ADHD meds will not help, and you need to set up “systems” in your life to help you cope with the “deficits” that ADHD causes (such as calendars to aid memory and organisation). But I really think that if you are having emotional issues that the ADHD meds aren’t helping, then you probably have other medical issues there. Maybe you need a complete medical to rule out thyroid problems and such, as well as a thorough discussion about your emotional cycles (the agitation/depression/irritability etc). Good luck. I hope you find a solution.