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Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!

Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!2011-01-17T18:52:21+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Organization and Time Management HELP! Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!


Post count: 227

Hands up anyone who has found To Do Lists effective? Nobody? That’s what I thought. I have the same problem.

So . . . we’re creative . . . let’s come up with a creative approach.

What would an ADHD To Do List have to look like in order to be effective?

I took a look back to projects where I had been successful. There was one theme that kept coming up. I was a lot more successful when working for an organization or person I cared about. For example, while I might procrastinate on my own tax return, if an old friend came to me, anxious that he hadn’t filed a tax return for himself or his home business in the last 5 years, I’d dive right in. If I feel that my work is going to help someone, I find I have a lot more energy to do the work.

Do others feel the same way? If so, then add a little reminder of who you’re helping to each line on your To Do List and see how much your success rate improves.