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Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!

Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!2011-01-22T21:27:52+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults Organization and Time Management HELP! Re: Organization and Time Management HELP!


Post count: 596

Yes focusing on one thing until it’s done really works well. Especially when things have gotten out of control it helps bring things back.

When I do have lots to do but am having one of those can’t get started days, I ask myself what one thing , if I get it done today, will make this day a success? Then I start it. If it takes me all day fine, if not then it’s a bonus and I can go onto somehting else.

Another thing that helps is planning out my day the night before, not the morning of the way I used to. Far too many distractions would come along before the daily planning session ever even got started! Now I set a reminder for the planning session at 9PM and at least map out a cursory plan for the next day.