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Re: organizational time management and effieciency

Re: organizational time management and effieciency2010-11-02T05:46:50+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments organizational time management and effieciency Re: organizational time management and effieciency


Post count: 14413

I’m going to copy this thread tomorrow. This is so helpful. I’m having these incredible problems and know that it’s because of layering programs and creating so many errors. Oh, drives me nuts…. My computer is XP and is moving backwards at this point!! This is so informative. It’s like going to the grocery store and trying to figure out what cereal is good for just you!!! Sometimes, I know I’m making matters worse.. and then the frustration compounds… and I lock up… So Eimat and Larynxa thank you… I just started to use Google Chrome to help with speed and was using Firefox and enjoying it until one day it just slowed way down and I couldn’t figure out how to correct whatever caused the problem. Anything that will help me bring out the best of me… I thank you…