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Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions

Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions2010-04-01T04:35:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments organizers/calanders efficiency questions Re: organizers/calanders efficiency questions


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

I just note down anything important I need to do, on the side of my hand, between my thumb and wrist. The information is there at a glance, and the chances of my accidentally losing this “device” are pretty slim.

If there are a lot of things to do (or details to cover), I’ll write them out on a neon Post-It note, but I’ll also make a note on my hand to check the Post-It in my pocket…and that note is sufficiently detailed that if I lose the Post-It, I’ll at least still have some idea of what was on it, so I’m not totally rudderless.