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Pete, that tote box is just one collection of books I fully intend(ed) to read. I have another bookshelf full of more, and there’s a pile on the end table next to the couch – all mine. I have a book addiction, when I go on holidays, I like to browse used book stores. Last time I found two book barns (literally) and came home with 17 books. I still haven’t read them and that was two years ago. I used to be a voracious reader (even as a child) but lately I can’t find the time to read them.
Your bucket of jobs sounds like the Job Jar from Dagwood & Blondie’s comic strips.
Nellie, that’s how my husband files, in piles. When he was still working (he’s retired), he knew where things were by how deep they were in the pile. Unfortunately he ended up moving out of his office because the extra desk he ordered to hold even more paperwork had filled up and he needed another space for the new piles.
I tried using one of those giant paper organizers years ago (I think it had around 32 slots), and it just made things worse for me. I need to deal with only a few things at a time or I get totally overwhelmed and it paralyzes me. I have an angled desktop rack for the most important things, and a hanging file rack on wheels (open) next to the desk. Paper should go from the desktop rack to the rolling rack. When the rolling rack gets full, I transfer them to the filing cabinet in the basement. But I still do have a lot of unorganized paperwork in piles on my desk with little receipts that go flying whenever I try to dig into the pile for something else. Since I am currently moving my business out of my home, it’s been really stressful since I have things in two places to keep track of.
I like your idea of the pencil case. I am currently using a neat document pouch I bought at MEC, the reason I like it is because it’s not TOO big so it limits what I can fit into it – it only holds pills, big wallet and cellphone. I will have to see if it will hold the pencil case thing you talked about as well as the other items. It has a shoulder strap so I can sling it around my shoulder and clip my keys onto it with a carbiner clip. I also have a clip on watch as well. That way all I have to remember is to find my shoulder bag and everything I need is there. I leave it at the front door at night so I don’t forget where I’ve put it.