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Re: Organizing your office

Re: Organizing your office2011-07-02T13:51:41+00:00

Post count: 14413

LOL sugargremlin!

ways not to organize one’s desk:

1) use multiple unmarked folders for papers which do not belong together

2) make a huge pile on top of a scanner you actually need to use

3) using the floor as extra storage space

GUILTY (read printer for scanner)

Nellie: we are SOUL MATES. I am unable to resist planning how to organize! My job is to let go of it, which is why some of the mess exists, to learn to live with it (I used to be very compulsive about organization and clean living space, but then I met my ADD husband). When I talk about organizing and cleaning up, he just says it will end up in more piles, just organized piles (he’s the PILE MASTER).

And I have many books on organizing. As my husband says when asked if he’s read all of the books on his bookshelf “some of them twice” 😉