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Re: Organizing your office

Re: Organizing your office2011-07-02T14:04:40+00:00

Post count: 596

no-dopamine totally! I think we’d get along splendidly :-)

RIght now my scanner has a pile of stuff on it and I have to do about 2 hours worth of scanning for a project I need to finish by next Wednesday. SO this morning when I got up I decided it would get done before noon. Well I thought maybe I should clean off the desk and the scanner and started to plan it out. Then realized WAIT!!! i’m going to get bogged down so actually managed to just plan out the project I have to do. I will have to live with the mess. Will post later on how I make out :-) BTW did you see the list video where he is supposed to be paying bils and starts organizing the pencil drawer? Soooo me!