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Re: Organizing your office

Re: Organizing your office2011-07-03T13:43:14+00:00

Post count: 14413

Posted elsewhere, no, my husband won’t allow it, we are way cluttered and we can hardly pass each other to get from one room to the other at the moment. But my move-out of the business from home to a separate commercial space is almost done so now we will have more free time and space to devote to cleanup and declutter. But I can always motivate him by threatening to hire someone! We did clean two floors last Saturday and they could be lightly cleaned again, it made me feel way better to do just that.

Trying to decide whether or not to have a garage sale (hate them) or donate to Goodwill or just take it to the dump. Burning it all has crossed my mind before, but it’s now illegal to burn without a permit and a proper unit with a chimney stack 🙄