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Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging

Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging2010-10-16T04:46:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging


Post count: 14413

Agreed, but without being too cynical, I always like to believe that people are genuinely seeing something that works and we shouldn’t discount them but we can’t sanction them. Who knows, someone may have an answer that is credible. Even hypotheses have their merit but are much lower down on the decision tree.

At the end of the day, we all have to be good consumers.