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Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging

Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging2010-11-02T13:16:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging


Post count: 14413

Dr .J

I have been looking into Neroplasisty and also the ArrowSmith School in Ont. This women had put together a program for students with learning dissabilities you might of her of her. She had learning problems herself. She gets the kids to put a patch over there one eye to make the other side of the brain work. In order to get into the school they have to take a test to see were there learning problems are.

then she sets up a program for them. She was on a documearty couple of years ago along with other Dr’s on neroplasisity.

Also in Nova Scotia they really don’t have much down here. I was told that I have cognitive problems and I might not have

ADHD. After one DR put me on meds then another is changing his view on weather I have it or not. I’m taking on more myself because most Dr’s in Nova Scotia just don’t have the rescourse’s. The test cost 1,600 to see what my problem is. But I already know I’m 53 and ADHD runs in my family my sister’s kids plus grandchild plus my mother’s ,sisther’s kids but I have to pay out for this for them to help ;me. And now there taking away my meds that I have been on since Aug until I have this test done. So I got a feeling I’m going to be left on m;y own again to figure things out. On cognitive problems is there a computer program that I can buy to do at home. When I type in cognitive a few things come up Lumosity that is back by NeoScience people one other one was put out by The Brain that change itself with some of the NeroScience there. Do you know any thing that might be on the market? Clamdigger.