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Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging

Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging2010-09-26T23:42:46+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging


Post count: 211

@Shane: yup, I know. I wanted Dr. J. to weigh in though. Hence,the change in topic title.

@Nimthiriel: it’s funny you should mention that. When the psychiatrist gave me my diagnosis, he basically said “here – try taking this type of medication, and try taking martial arts. Go back to your doctor for all of it”. I asked him if I needed to see him anymore, and he said “no”.

I know – from attending a support group, and from reading folks’ experiences here – that it’s not ever that cut and dried. Some medications will work, while others will not.

Which is kind of what Dr. Amen is getting at. His method for treatment appears to be:

1) going the usual route to determine first whether a patient has ADHD or not (family history, etc. etc.)

2) after a patient is diagnoses as having ADHD, he then does a spect scan

3) he believes there are at least six different types of ADHD, and so he structures the resulting drug and psychotherapy treatments accordingly.

I’ve yet to see my family physician for the first course of drug treatments. Hence my desire to get some input from someone (anyone) here who may have gone Dr. Amen’s route, or at least knows something about it.