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Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging

Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging2010-09-27T09:31:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging


Post count: 14413

There are many ways that ADHD presents, but they all seem to have the same root causes: Lack of dopamine and underdeveloped prefrontal cortex.

I don’t think we yet have the knowledge to deduce the “type” of ADHD someone will show, except that girls tend toward the inattentive type and boys toward the hyperactive type. anything else is more like a coping strategy. My father, for instance, hyperfocuses a LOT. It’s not a “type” of ADHD, it’s how he survives it without medication.

See your physician and ask about a referral to a behavioural psychologist, or some other type of psych who understands ADHD.

I recommend that you stop focusing on this one guy’s ideas and start looking for ways of actually managing your own symptoms, because the latter will probably be more fruitful in forseeable future :-p