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Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging

Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging2010-09-27T20:03:17+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging Re: Paging Dr. J.!! (as well as anyone else interested) re: Spect Imaging


Post count: 211

Nimthiriel – have you checked out Dr. Amen’s site? In particular, this sub-section discusses the various types of ADHD that are out there. http://www.amenclinics.com/clinics/information/ways-we-can-help/adhd-add/

The whole point of my looking into this is to do exactly as you mentioned in your last line: to find a way to manage my own symptoms. I trust my doctor to help with this, but want to go in with as much information as possible, so as to have a halfways intelligent discussion with her. There is nothing worse than walking out of the doctor’s office more confused than when you went in – and that has happened a number of times. (Some doctors are used to moving fast and blurting out info, before the brain gets a chance to register it).

I may have given the impression that I’m only focusing on this one guy – Dr. Amen – but rest assured: I am not. I’ve been researching ADHD ever since taking the online test here a little under a year ago, up and until I got my diagnosis finally from a psychiatrist. I’ve already lined up a psychotherpist – one I’ve seen already and am ready to start down the avenues of managing my symptoms. The only reason I brought this guy up is because his theory and methods are new to me, and I wanted to know who in our community here might be familiar with him. Don’t want to leave any one stone unturned.

I am not an evangelist for the man, and I apologize if that’s how it sounded. I simply want to know. That’s all. If you haven’t read his theory, you may wish to take a few minutes and go to the website.