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Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?

Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?2010-08-11T03:05:42+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning? Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?


Post count: 14413

I have the same sort of thing. I was tested in High School because I just wasn’t doing well in Math and to my horror as a Trekkie, physics. The concepts of physics, I found easy. Almost simple. That was until I had to do something as simple as calculate velocity. My brain would almost revolt!

Even now. I have a strong interest in home CNC machines. Again the workings and seeing how it all flows is easy. I’m building a small one now. Then comes the numbers figuring out the electronics, and that and I’m looking at it like .. well you know.

The testing said I was High above average in logic and comprehension, language and spacial understanding. Math. I was below average. He told me I should be a carpenter or a counselor… huh?