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Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?

Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?2010-04-06T03:16:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning? Re: Patterns & logic, yes; maths no. Different way of learning?


Post count: 14413

Math has many components to it that may intersect to show impairment as you get older and as the math becomes more complex. For example, individuals who have problems in Working Memory will have problems with complex algebra as math requires you to hold on to simple information while other things are being done. There are many ways to deal with math problems but a formal diagnosis of a Math Disorder requires an evaluation by a psychometrist who will do specific tests to assess this. The good news is that a Math Disorder is a definable psychiatric condition and requires accommodation including cutting you some slack where Math is a component of some testing requirement. A simple accommodation, for example, is to give you a calculator.

Good to see you talking about Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. I remember a child who was mentally retarded but a gifted dancer who went on to NY to join a stage company. If you simply put him into the MR category due to the limitations of the way we define intelligence, he would never have stood a chance to be something.

ADHD is very similar. The limitation of ADHD is trying to fit a square into a school who thinks everyone should be a circle! A school, a teacher, a VP who sees something else will make the child shine and that, my friends, is the real challenge.