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Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?

Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?2012-07-21T13:08:05+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Other Poll: How do you support yourself financially? Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?


Post count: 14413

I have struggled with holding down a job my entire life. I have worked in life insurance, hotel, restaurant, newspaper, radio, retail business…you name it. I am 40 and rely on both my boyfriend and father for financial assistance. I have naturally struggled with paying my bills, not just due to finances but also disorganization and distraction. It wasn’t until I tripped on the documentary on PBS that I finally started putting the pieces together. Everything in my life, past and present, finally made complete sense. I wasn’t devastated with an ADD/ADHD diagnosis…I was thrilled. Finally I know what the heck has been going on with me and I have been utilizing the tools to organize my life and help me focus. I am a distributor for an MLM company which is an ideal fit for me because I don’t have to punch a clock. I cannot handle a desk job or crazy long hours. Torture. I still have my struggles with schedule but I am slowly overcoming obstacles over the past year that have been constant difficulties throughout my entire life. I am so thankful for the documentary, this website and look forward to a brighter future. Thanks for sharing and for your honesty. I don’t feel quite so alone! = )