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Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?

Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?2012-07-26T18:04:16+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Other Poll: How do you support yourself financially? Re: Poll: How do you support yourself financially?


Post count: 229

Ah! The willingness….I suppose that means I have to have the willingness to be known. Ack! That’s scary.

Good point on the fact that there are others who can help and support. I need to reach out more to friends.

I do know what I want to be, and in many respects I already am that (a writer), I’m just not currently being paid to write. :-)

I’m being paid to deliver fried foods to people’s table at their beckoning. And ranch dressing. Vats and vats of ranch dressing. ;-)