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Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds

Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds2010-12-07T23:59:45+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds


Post count: 14413

I just realised I may have come across as “grilling” you.

The reason I asked those questions is because they are very important ones to be aware of. You need to know WHY you are afraid of taking meds. If it is because you’re scared you’ll become a different person, well, you don’t.

If it’s because you’re scared of being in an altered state, well, you’re in an altered state to begin with. The medications just bring your hormone levels up to normal.

I’ve you’ve had bad experiences with antidepressants, well, these are stimulants. Not antidepressants. If you have symptoms of depression as a result of ADHD, then antidepressants won’t work because they are not treating the true cause of your symptoms.

If you’re afraid of the stigma attached to medications which affect the brain, think of it this way: Would you feel this way about a medication which helped you if you had bipolar disorder? Epilepsy? Schizophrenia?

You need to know why you’re afraid and what you’re afraid in order to address that fear and make an informed decision about whether or not to take the medication. If you just refuse to take it because you’re scared without actually examining why you’re scared, then you are not doing yourself any favours, and may in fact be doing yourself a disservice.

Don’t make decisions out of fear, unless you know what’s behind it.