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Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds

Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds2010-12-12T00:18:17+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds


Post count: 14413

I was scared to be on medication as well. When I was younger I was on Ritalin and it made me a zombie. But nowadays they have better medication, and can tailor it to your needs. :) I’m on Vyvanse now, and I don’t think I could make it through college without it.

A few things I’ve found helpful with dealing with my ADD while in college is by using a white-board to write EVERYTHING down. All my classes, what assignments I have due, when they’re due, and all that. I check them off when I complete them. I use flashcards to memorize my key terms, and before a test I try to write down what I think my short answer questions will be. :)