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Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds

Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds2010-12-12T00:45:06+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds Re: Pretty sure I have ADHD, Scared to Take Meds


Post count: 14413

Like the Totally ADD and Loving it!? documentary mentioned, the drugs used to tread ADHD have been in use a very long time. They are “safer” then aspirin. I can say that at 34 years old I wish i had been in your shoes at 22. I was on Paxil and failing out of college. I dare say that an ADHD diagnosis then would have been the difference.

I say go for it! If you don’t like it after you’ve given it enough time and tweaking with your Doc.. stop taking them. No lasting (if any) effects.

You have little to loose and so very much more to gain.